I read on line that my womb was the size of a soccer ball at 26-27 weeks and got this idea. Fortunately with a Pro photographer for a husband and a friend who is an amazing artist I was able to accomplish my "goal" and it's a SCORE!!!!!
Mother of a real live “Goldie Locks” and wife of amazingly talented photographer & graphic designer (who's work you will undoubtedly see in this blog), Colette is a first born daughter of a first born daughter, with a first born daughter—all naturally blonde at one time (sorry mom). With French Canadian and Scandinavian roots, she is proud to be a blonde, and love the challenge of proving that blondes are anything but dumb.
You do know there are...connotations to that term, right....?
So now you guys have to have a boy eh, or a very sporty soccer girl!haha I love those pics!
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