Friday, October 10, 2014

More time

Wow, so this is what happens when you have kids. One minute you are thinking "yep I'll do a great set of blogs" and the next minute it's 6 years later and your kids are now both in school and you finally have time. Jade I don't know how you keep doing it and you got more than double my crew! So, in the meantime. What has happened? After working on and off for the last half decade (sounds so much cooler than 5 years) I am again doing something I really love: Working for Success by Six. I have had a heart for kids and teens most of my adult life. Have worked as a special needs worker in the daycare and pre-school here in Tumbler Ridge, have volunteered on the Teen Centre board, have worked at summer camp with teens, have taught junior high sunday school. And now I work with adults and kids, helping the adults and their organizations reach kids and meet their needs better. Representing the needs of families and the importance of early years. And I get to be home with MY kids after school, be a mom again and do the creative stuff I love. I just had my second article published in Tumbler Ridge News - all about the importance of books and in time for Canadian Library Month. You can check it out at Meanwhile, I may or may not remember to blog here, as I follow another passion: Virgin Drink Recipes. So onward and upward, just like everything that I do, sometime fully engrossed in the idea and sometime dropping it for a while (or in this case a long while)!