Awake at 8:15 Zoe came to wish her mommy "good morning" and ask if she could watch TV. Zoe had hot chocolate and watched TV for awhile until her mommy got her act together and made pancake breakfast. Zoe ate two whole apple banana pancakes topped with more apples, bananas and yogurt. She then got dressed, brushed her teeth and played dressups and "fort" while her mommy took care of some house work and taught chemistry to Dakota (Zoe's cousin).
Zoe then got to ride in her Aunty's big TRUCK to the police detatchment where her aunty works for Victims Services. There while Zoe's mommy dealt with financial details for the upcoming youth event (what a lot of time her mommy spends on that stuff), Zoe hung around the police station, got to eat cucumbers and apple sauce and visit with Val. Zoe wanted to know where the other guy was (Corporal Kirt Peats - head honcho aka the other guy) and was told he was out at a meeting.
After lunch Zoe and mommy went to the bank, to the post office and to the grocery store to get a pogo stick (deepfried battered hotdog on a stick) and some turkey pepperoni for mommy. Then Zoe walked to Todd's house (where mommy works) and got to stop at the park to play for a little while. After nap time Zoe spent more time outside jumping on the trampoline with Joel (12 yr old boy who mommy nannie's) until Joel's friend came and took over the trampoline. Zoe, true to her nature, had just as much fun watching the older boys do flips and then came inside to eat dinner and watch "A series of unfortunate events" while her mommy folded laundry. When a scary part was showing zoe cuddled on mommy's lap until she felt less scared.
Returning home from work zoe had a bath, and her mommy stayed and blew monster bubbles with a straw on the side of the tub for zoe to pop. Zoe wanted one on her tummy and mommy blew two on Zoe's belly. Then it was time for hair brushing and braiding for the night, hot chocolate, teeth brushing, stories and bed.
That was monday.