Thursday, January 11, 2007

Zoe's Thoughts on Zippers

Zoe has issues with her winter jackets, they zip up really tight to her neck. She always asks specifically that we don't zip her jacket too high. She owns pants with zippers too, which she's ok with because pants don't zip up "too high."

Today she put on her zipper shirt. It's a crew neck red shirt with a zipper on the shoulder towards the neck, this allows her to get it over he head, and then it zips up the side so she likes it. This is what she said: "I like this shirt, I don't like the other zippers though, they make me too up and downey."

So there you are, sideways zipper are good — up and downey zippers bad. The world according to a 3 1/2 year old!!!


MaCanuck said...

Updates, yes?

Jael and Alexa said...

i'm with you on this on Trent! Colette, you need to UPDATE!!